11 Lethbridge

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Lethbridge, AB
Formed 24th September,1941
Welcome to the home of 11 Lethbridge Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
At the Local level, the Air Cadet League comprises of a Squadron Sponsor and a Squadron Sponsoring Committee for each Air Cadet Squadron. The Squadron Sponsor is often a unit of an association or service club, or it may be a group of parents or others, from which human and other resources may be provided for the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). SSC's are responsible to their respective Provincial Committees, and the Chair of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee is a Member of the Provincial Committee.

Squadron Sponsor Committee Direction
Mission Statement of the Air Cadet League of Canada
To partner with DND in the development, deployment and conduct of the Air Cadet Program by advising and assisting with the core training program and complementing it with valuable optional elements.
To promote and encourage the nation’s youth members to develop and maintain an interest in aviation and aerospace and to foster and assist growth in those fields for those interested in pursuing such a career, in part by partnering with industry, while still supporting interest in other program elements of leadership, physical education, music and such.
To promote the growth and well being of the Air Cadet Movement by attracting and retaining the youth members and the adult leaders for both the DND and League roles and responsibilities.
To provide, along with DND, a voice in Canada for the Air Cadet Movement as a whole so that the Canadian public is kept aware of the accomplishments and capabilities of the Movement and of its ability to fulfill its aims.
To provide an organizational structure and including the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Level (SSC) that complements and meshes with DND’s to meet in a respectful, understanding and professional way the agreed and approved roles and responsibilities, including providing and considering studies and proposals a well as resolving the challenges in a progressive Air Cadet Movement.
Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC)
The day to day responsibility for administering the affairs of the Squadron in matters governed by the ACL belongs to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC). There are three essential features that distinguish the SSC from the Squadron Sponsor. The first is that the SSC agrees to act on behalf of and in the interests of the ACL and to be responsible to the Provincial or Territorial Committee in whose jurisdiction the Squadron is located. The Squadron Sponsor has no such relationship with the ACL. The second is that the SSC is granted authority to make decisions and recommendations in certain matters on behalf of the ACL. The Squadron Sponsor has no such authority. The third is that the SSC has a formal role to play in discussions with the Commanding Officer (CO) as to the selection and funding for optional activities for the cadets during the training year. The Squadron Sponsor does not.
The Chairperson and members of a SSC may be from either within or outside the Squadron Sponsoring Organization. The essential point is that the sponsorship of a Squadron be done well, regardless of how the SSC is set up; what is required is a sound basic organization that meets ACL requirements and good leadership. SSCs generate millions of dollars annually through donations and fundraising to support their local Air Cadet program. In addition to support received from its Squadron Sponsor, an Air Cadet Squadron may receive assistance and support from other organizations, groups or individuals who are simply Supporters of the Squadron (see Bylaws Article 9.3). SSCs must be cognizant of the undeniable importance of Squadron Supporters and the contribution they can make to the success of their Squadron (see Section 3.2.13, Guiding Principles #4 Fundraising and #5 Recognizing Financial Supporters).
The SSC has broad responsibilities to the Air Cadets, to the Community, to the Canadian Forces and to the ACL:
To the Air Cadets – The main objectives are to:
Obtain suitable training quarters for the Squadron;
Provide adequate financing for the needs of the Squadron not otherwise covered by DND;
Encourage the enrolment of qualified young people as Air Cadets;
Visit the Squadron as frequently as possible during training periods;
Work with the Commanding officer (CO) in selecting Air Cadets for training reward activities;
Award trophies and other special inducements for proficiency; and
Sponsor Air Cadet Bands.
To the Community – The SSC will undertake to:
Interpret the aims of the Air Cadet training, particularly to parents, civic authorities, community organizations, etc;
Publicize the activities of the Squadron through press, radio and television, and through special activities; and
Assist Squadron Officers in devising and carrying out Squadron projects that will be of benefit to the community; i.e., environmental clean-up campaigns, blood donor clinics, ushering at community events, etc.
To the Canadian Forces – it is the function of the SSC to:
Work with the appropriate DND authorities in obtaining the services of properly qualified Officers and Instructors for the Squadron;
Assist in the recruitment of new Air Cadets;
Cooperate with the Commanding Officer in arranging medical examinations for Air Cadets; and
Assist the Commanding officer in every way possible to ensure proper custody and care of equipment on loan to the unit from DND.
To the Air Cadet League – As part of the ACL the SSC is expected to:
Maintain a committee or group of adequate strength to support the Squadron;
Delegate responsibilities to Members of the Committee, such as finance, publicity, enrolments, accommodation, liaison with other Air Cadet Squadrons, etc;
Ensure that important announcements emanating from League Headquarters or the Provincial Committee are made known to Squadron personnel and to the Air Cadets;
Provide required documentation to the provincial and national levels in a timely manner; and
Provide financial support as agreed to the Provincial Committee.
Each SSC will have at least five Members: a Chairperson, a Secretary Treasurer and three other Members. The position of Treasurer may be separate. Specified Committee positions and incumbents may be designated as the Executive of the Committee. There is no limit on the maximum number of persons on a SSC. Provincial Committees may provide or assist in the development of detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) and responsibilities for the Members of a SSC;
The Chairperson and members of a SSC may be from either within or outside the Squadron Sponsoring Organization. The SSC Chairperson is automatically a member of his/her Provincial Committee and reports to the Chairperson of that Committee;
The Chairperson of the SSC shall work closely with the Commanding officer of the Squadron it serves;
The SSC is responsible for finding and obtaining suitable housing and training accommodation for the Squadron;
The SSC will help to ensure that their Squadron is adequately staffed with properly qualified Officers and Instructors by providing recommendations on the enrolment, appointment, promotion, transfer, or release of Squadron Officers;
The SSC is to provide a Budget and manage the financial affairs of the Squadron for matters that are its responsibility, including the control of all fundraising initiatives, all monies raised and approval of any subsequent expenditures
The SSC is encouraged to recruit parents and supporters to work on subcommittees for projects of a temporary or permanent nature, such as fundraising or special events. Any subcommittee is to be chaired by a member of the SSC.
The authority for the SSC to act on behalf of the Air Cadet League on certain matters is specified in the relevant sections of the Policy and Procedure or Administration Manual (PPM). The SSC is not authorized to enter into commitments on behalf of a Provincial, a Territorial or a National Committee of the ACL without the express authorization of that group.
A detailed list of SSC responsibilities can be found in Section
In cooperation with the ACL Provincial Committee a potential Squadron Sponsor or other group of persons may make application to form a SSC by completing and submitting Air Cadet League Form ACC1;
A transfer of sponsorship may be initiated by a SSC by completion and submission of Air Cadet League Form ACC10 Transfer of Sponsorship;
Each SSC shall annually submit a statement of receipts and disbursements and statement of assets and liabilities (Air Cadet League Form ACC9) to their Provincial Committee office, which shall forward the completed Form to the ACL within sixty (60) days of the end of the fiscal year, which ends on the 31st day of August in each year (see Section 3.7.3).
Prior to the start of each training year a special meeting should be arranged between the Squadron staff and the SSC to review the Squadron’s planned activities and to establish a Budget. All Squadron accounts should be paid by cheque with two signatures.
The Commanding Officer may be provided with a “CO’s Petty Cash” account for small routine disbursements. As that Petty Cash is used it should be replenished from the Squadron SSC account;
A SSC will meet once a month or as otherwise specified in their By-Laws. At least one member of the SSC should attend all Squadron Parades and other activities;
To ensure a full awareness of the Squadron’s operation, a SSC should have continuous, open and full communication between itself and the Squadron staff to emulate the desired teamwork approach of the Air Cadet League and the Canadian Forces towards Air Cadets; and
A SSC should work closely with the local communities to foster good public relations, provide information on Air Cadet Activities and encourage the enrolment of qualified young people as Air Cadets.
Responsibilities of Squadron Sponsoring Committee's (SSCs)
Assisting in recruiting suitable youth to be Air Cadets in their Squadrons;
Making recommendations through their Provincial Committee to the appropriate Region Commander regarding the enrolment, appointment, promotion, transfer or release of Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers for their Cadet Squadron;
Assisting in providing names of possible candidates for replacement Officers and for positions as Civilian Instructors or volunteers;
Inviting suitable persons to be members of the SSC;
Interacting with the Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers, Civilian Instructors and Air Cadets of the Squadron;
Liaison with other SSCs;
Providing appropriate accommodation for their Squadron’s training, administration and stores when it is not provided by DND;
Providing training aids and equipment, including band instruments, not supplied by DND;
Assisting their Provincial Committee with fundraising activities and/or projects or pay assessments levied for the purpose of carrying out the mandate of the Provincial Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the SSC to conduct fundraising efforts as necessary to raise such funds and may seek the cooperation of the Commanding Officer when Air Cadets will be used in such efforts;
A SSC shall be registered as a non-profit society with their respective provincial governments where applicable. Charitable Registration status with Revenue Canada will authorize the SSC to issue receipts for donations received (see Section 3.7.5);
SSCs shall submit annual financial statements to Air Cadet League Headquarters through their Provincial Committees (see Section 3.7.3) and Part 6, Air Cadet League Form ACC9;
Making Air Cadets aware of the various benefits available to them as a result of the various League Partnership Agreements;
Arranging Air Cadet recreational programs;
Providing transportation, when not available from DND, for local training exercises;
Providing for the financial and administrative needs of the Squadron;
Supporting Provincial Committee activities;
Providing input to Air Cadets applications for summer training;
Providing such other facilities or assistance as may be mutually agreed between the Squadron Sponsor and/or the SSC and/or DND; and
Registering and Screening all volunteers in accordance with ACL policies